
Welcome to Cloud Study Network, a vibrant and ever-growing hub for cloud computing enthusiasts, professionals, and learners. At the core of our mission, we bring together individuals passionate about cloud technology, DevOps, and cloud-native innovations. In this community, you have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share your knowledge, and learn from the diverse experiences within our network.

Upcoming Events

Stay engaged and informed about the latest trends in cloud computing by joining us at our events. We host regular meetups, workshops, and seminars announced on various platforms. Here’s where you can find us:

Meetup: Join our Meetup group for updates on upcoming gatherings and meetups.

Eventbrite: Our workshops and seminars are listed on Eventbrite, which you can follow to get notified about the upcoming webinars.

Chats and Forums

Interact with community members between meetups in our chats and forums. These platforms are great for asking questions, sharing experiences, or discussing the latest in cloud computing.

Telegram Group: Stay connected with the community by joining our Telegram group.

Discord Server: Join our lively discussions on Discord.

Slack Workspace: If you don't use Discord, you can then join discussions on our Slack space.

LinkedIn Group: Engage with professionals in our LinkedIn group.

Facebook Group: Participate in technical discussions in our Facebook group.

Reddit Community: Dive deeper into cloud computing topics by joining our dedicated subreddit.

Social Media and GitHub

Our community extends across social media and GitHub, where we share news, projects, and more. Follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest from Cloud Study Network:

GitHub Organization: Explore our projects and contribute to open-source development on GitHub. Everyone can join our organization at GitHub using this link:

Twitter: Get the latest news and updates from our Twitter profile.

Facebook Page: Join our community on Facebook for news and event announcements.

LinkedIn: Follow us on LinkedIn for professional networking and updates.

Instagram: Check out our Instagram for behind-the-scenes photos and stories.

The Cloud Study Network community is more than just a place to learn; it’s a space to contribute, share, and help each other grow in the field of cloud computing. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, there’s a spot for you in our community. Together, we can drive innovation and make cloud computing accessible to everyone. Welcome aboard, and let’s make the cloud computing journey an enriching experience for all!